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Laoag Church

Laoag Church is a chapel of wood and thatch built on this site when the Augustinian Friars founded the parish in 1508. Then replaced by this church of Italian Renaissance, the foundation laid in 1612. Looted by Chieftain Almazan who took possession  of Virgin Mary's crown and  proclaimed himself king in 1661. Church of Laoag was damaged by fire in 1843 and repaired by Obras Publicas under Engineer Antonio dela Camara and Fray Santiago Muniz in 1873 up to 1880. The Laoag was then oocupied by revolutionists in 1898 by American forces by 1899. The Laoag Church ownership was contested by Aglipayans in 1901. Scene 0f DIocesan Marian COngress in 1932 and 1949.

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